Friday, August 19, 2011

Blessings and Lessons....

As Another One Bites the Dust

Guess who ended up at the doctor's office first thing this morning? Historian! Would you believe he has strep throat? He may have said something yesterday about wishing that he could drink soda all day like his sister Butterfly. Be careful what you wish for! Soda it is, if you can bear to swallow! (Historian graciously gave his permission for this life lesson to be shared. He has been so sympathetic and kind to Butterfly during his many visits to the hospital and during her first days at home. No doubt, his brewing illness brought out the grumbly side of him yesterday.)

As one of my friends pointed out, this is a good thing. We may as well get all of our recoveries going at the same time. Well, let's just hope and pray it's only two recoveries. Below, he managed a smile for us. What an awesome kid!

For Butterfly, today was a pretty good day. Butterfly had a couple of hours of pain, but we are learning how to address her pain issues. Praise God! Later, we took a "walk" to feed the cows.

Butterfly got to skype with two of her favorite friends and we received another delicious meal prepared by friends from church.

Speaking of our church family, we have been overwhelmed by the love they have shown us. Three of our friends from church came to the hospital and spent nearly the entire day with us during Butterfly's loooong surgery, praying with us, sharing stories, encouraging us, laughing and crying with us. One of the three actually took a vacation day to be with us! Two pastors from our church came that same day and their presence meant a great deal to us as well. On the home front, more friends from church provided dinners for our family the week that Steady Man, Butterfly and I were in the hospital. And the delicious meals keep coming. We are happily anticipating these edible gifts all of next week too! Many dear people, our family and friends and people we've never met, have joined our friends at church in praying for us. My mother-in-law, aunt and uncle drove many hours to spend a week each at our home assisting with our needs. My mom has been ever present, offering her help in any way she can.

For all these things, and many more, we are truly grateful!


  1. Aw! Sorry to hear Evan is sick!

    Hannah looks fabulous. She's a tough cookie.

    It's awesome that your church is feeding you all. It was such a blessing after Elisha was born to have two weeks of delicious meals, so I can only imagine how great it is after surgery!

    Prayin' for you all. <3

  2. Such a blessing to have a caring church family! I know you have a lot on your hands taking care of one in recovery and now two! Hope they are both much better soon. God bless!!

  3. Sorry to hear about Evan... At least he is smiling in picture... Hope Evan feels better soon. Aunt Dana

  4. Got your message, so far no signs of illness here.
