Historian smiles as he spells "symmetrical" correctly and wins the Richmond Times-Dispatch Spelling Bee. |
Historian congratulates another speller at the Richmond Times-Dispatch Spelling Bee. |
Historian thanks God for allowing him to win the RTD Bee. |
Orientation for the National Spelling Bee is over and Historian has his "gear," including this Spellebrity messenger bag. |
Each speller was given a "Beekeeper." This autograph book has a full page dedicated to each of the 278 spellers, including the speller's photograph, interesting facts about the speller and a fill-in question. The kids enjoyed collecting autographs all week. |
Historian and Lori Anne, six-year-old spelling phenom, from Woodbridge, VA. |
There just happened to be fireworks at National Harbor our first night there. |
Amazed by the fireworks (yes, this is posed). |
Warning: This is what happens to your brain when you've studied too many spelling words. |
Exchanging autographs with Philemon, from Ghana. |
Historian ended up collecting 140 autographs. |
Hall of Champions at the National Spelling Bee. |
The day after our arrival in National Harbor was Memorial Day. All spellers were invited to a Memorial Day Picnic.
Historian, Steady Man and I went to the picnic while our moms took the girls to the American Girl Doll Store at Tyson's Corner.
Historian was such a good sport to enter the hula hoop contest. |
Watching Historian hula hoop for the first time in his life was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. |
Some of the spectators agreed. |
Legs spread wide (to keep the hula hoop up) and arms in the air (to keep from hitting the hoop). |
He didn't stand a chance of winning, but he totally won for style. |
Steady Man is also a good sport. |
He was almost as funny to watch as Historian. |
Snow cone at the Memorial Day Picnic. |
Soccer at the picnic. |
Watching the juggler. |
This was taken right after Historian was playing soccer in the 90-plus degree heat. |
Dancing at the picnic. |
I have said before that I fell in love with Steady Man on the dance floor. |
These guys know how to have fun. |
Historian sat with Nickan on the bus ride back to the hotel. They talked about favorite books, pi (this was a particularly long discussion), spelling words and their etymologies and on and on. These two enjoyed hanging out all week. |
In the atrium at the Gaylord National. |
The kids with the best grandmothers kids could ever want! |
All the media attention was unexpected.
On Wednesday, after the computerized Round One, we headed to Georgetown Cupcakes (made famous on the show DC Cupcakes, Fridays on TLC).
They were delicious! |
After Georgetown Cupcakes, we went to Great Falls, VA. Here, you find an unexpectedly lively prospect of the Potomac River. |
Super Dad. |
Getting ready for the assembly the night before Rounds Two and Three. |
Scoring pronouncer Dr. Jacques Bailey's autograph. He is a rock star at the Bee. To Dr. Bailey's right is Paige Kimble, the director of the National Spelling Bee. |
One of the many billboards in the Hall of Champions featured a photo of each 2012 speller. |
Historian's photo. |
Historian and Lori Anne are about to be called onstage for Round Two. Historian held Lori Anne's hand and escorted her to her seat. They are good buddies. |
Historian is in the back row, far left. |
Historian spelled "wejack" correctly. A wejack is a woodchuck. |
Two Jumbotrons flanked the sides of the stage and featured information about each speller as they took their turn. |
Lori Anne is on deck to spell. |
So proud of her. |
Our wonderful sponsor from the Richmond Times-Dispatch. |
Historian was interviewed for a segment on Comcast Sports Network. |
During the interview, Historian complained that Spell Check doesn't recognize every word in the dictionary, for example, "weltanschauung." The interviewer's reply: "Geshundheit." |
Round Three. |
Historian spelled "vorago" correctly. |
Lizard waiting for the announcement of the semifinalists. Sadly, Historian didn't qualify for the Semifinals. |
Butterfly hamming it up right in front of a very handsome speller named Michael. We were beyond excited to meet two NSB spellers who use wheelchairs! |
We liked this sandwich shop so much that we went twice! |
These photos are for our peeps, you know who you are. |
A sculpture, called The Rising, at National Harbor. |
ESPN commentators prepare for the Spelling Bee Finals. |
The day after the Finals, the entire family (minus my mom, who chose rest to touring), along with many other spellers, went on a tour of D.C.
I have about 30 more photos I want to share, but Google has determined that I've reached my limit for the month. I'm hoping I can post the remaining photos in July. If you liked the hula hooping photos, you won't want to miss the snapshots of my family dancing the night away!